Tag: green
Chocolate Chip Mocha Cookies
These are my go-to holiday (or travel, or event, or anytime) cookies. They had the nickname “Pandora cookies” during an 8-hour road trip with friends because of, well, their seriously addicting nature. That and something about opening Pandora’s box. I liked the name, but it didn’t stick. They are regular old chocolate-chocolate-chip cookies with a…
Squid Buddy
| a doomthings™ original | Last fall, my niece was born. For Christmas, I wanted to give her something ridiculous. Not that she’d remember, but maybe it will be part of her daily routine as she gets old enough to actually play with toys. My husband and I were watching Coraline and he suggested I try…
Customize It!
See something you like, but it’s not quite the right color? Need a name in there? We’ve got that. What something that’s not here? We can do that! Send doomthings a message and we’ll customize your card/shirt/whatever for you! The latest request was for colored Thank You cards. Check it out! | more stuff in…
Wedding Cards
In true obsessive form, I went a little overboard with the hand-lettering thing and flipped through my sketchbook for more inspiration for greeting cards. I recently attended a cousin’s wedding and, without having purchased a card (because they were all horrible), I decided a pretty, fliffy-looking hand-lettered card would be better. Being very unorganized that…